Proof chain hoists use a long time, you may encounter : card chain , skid brake dead cars and other issues, how do we deal with these issues without delay our normal use it The following four aspects:
First, the proof chain hoists very important routine maintenance checks should be regularly corresponding mechanical parts for maintenance testing, look at all the m liftech mini electric hoist echanical parts , such as whether there is rust , must be promptly applied lubricants. Proof chain hoists chain should always use lubricant maintenance, a chain to prevent rusting card chain , and secondly, is to extend the life of the chain .
Second, the proof chain hoists friction plates regularly checked or replaced , it should be in frequent liftech steel beam clamps use seven days to do an inspection , if found friction plate with oil , should be replaced immediately ; such discovery should replace the friction plate is thin , as above both of these problems can cause instability and explosion-proof chain hoist brake slip .
Thirdly, proof chain hoists brakes have a ratchet , a pawl ratchet next , such as a spring detent on the loose will cause chain hoists without brakes.
Fourth, the proof chain hoists chain guide wheels do check regularly to see if there is squeezing the guide wheel , deformed , broken teeth and other emerging, such as size, etc. have found a chain and deformed , they should immediately replace the corresponding proof chain hoists Accessories .
Sanlong lifting to do the customer is responsible for quality products and service to meet your needs
Hoist equipment mounted on the drive on public hanger, transmission, brakes and a flexible roll up, or holding device driven extract small light weight lifting device lifting equipment.
these Manual Hoist can accurately and reliably stop at the desired position
Run institutions brake mounted on the crane , luffing rotating bodies and institutions , these institutions can accurately and reliably stop at the desired position . If installed in the lifting mechanism , in addition to the role played in the braking load state , but also to adjust the rate of decline of the object.liftech steel beam clamps
Brake action by way of closed and open ; according to the structure of the block type and belt ; by transmission of mechanical transmission , hydraulic and electric types . Generally , normally closed two- block brake shoe mostly common in crane . The manual liftech wire rope electric hoist hoist generally use a one-way ratchet friction brakes , self braking under load , very convenient.
Brakes are very important parts of lifting equipment , hoist pull the opponent is also true , its main role is to make the moving parts of a device ( mechanical movement ) slow down , stop or remain stopped other functions
Brake action by way of closed and open ; according to the structure of the block type and belt ; by transmission of mechanical transmission , hydraulic and electric types . Generally , normally closed two- block brake shoe mostly common in crane . The manual liftech wire rope electric hoist hoist generally use a one-way ratchet friction brakes , self braking under load , very convenient.
Brakes are very important parts of lifting equipment , hoist pull the opponent is also true , its main role is to make the moving parts of a device ( mechanical movement ) slow down , stop or remain stopped other functions
Chain hoists very small , of course, is also very light weight
Chain hoists very small , of course, is also very light weight , regardless of whether the limited space for freedom to manipulate ; Yale chain hoists are called all 360 chain hoists are dead because they can operate without a full range of flexibility high ; its material and workmanship is first class , not only looks upscaleCDD electric chain hoist practicality is also excellent .
360 degree rotation Yale chain hoists Features : 1,360 degree rotating hand chain hoists Yale revolutionary 360-degree angle of operation , the operator can make almost any location , whether in space -constrained or lifting items at the top are able to effectively control the hoist work. 2,360 degree rotation Yale chain hoists and even allows use 0.5 ton electric hoistrs to operate from the side , so that the level of traction and tension easier . 3, due to the flexibility of operating angle , the user can operate away from the danger zone following heavy . 4 , all of the components are manufactured using high quality materials , and the use of additional anti-corrosion coating and painting process to increase capacity
360 degree rotation Yale chain hoists Features : 1,360 degree rotating hand chain hoists Yale revolutionary 360-degree angle of operation , the operator can make almost any location , whether in space -constrained or lifting items at the top are able to effectively control the hoist work. 2,360 degree rotation Yale chain hoists and even allows use 0.5 ton electric hoistrs to operate from the side , so that the level of traction and tension easier . 3, due to the flexibility of operating angle , the user can operate away from the danger zone following heavy . 4 , all of the components are manufactured using high quality materials , and the use of additional anti-corrosion coating and painting process to increase capacity
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