
these Manual Hoist can accurately and reliably stop at the desired position

Run institutions brake mounted on the crane , luffing rotating bodies and institutions , these institutions can accurately and reliably stop at the desired position . If installed in the lifting mechanism , in addition to the role played in the braking load state , but also to adjust the rate of decline of the object.liftech steel beam clamps
Brake action by way of closed and open ; according to the structure of the block type and belt ; by transmission of mechanical transmission , hydraulic and electric types . Generally , normally closed two- block brake shoe mostly common in crane . The manual liftech wire rope electric hoist hoist generally use a one-way ratchet friction brakes , self braking under load , very convenient.
Brakes are very important parts of lifting equipment , hoist pull the opponent is also true , its main role is to make the moving parts of a device ( mechanical movement ) slow down , stop or remain stopped other functions

