Electric hoist lifting equipment in the most common, most electric
rope hoist used by people to follow the control button on the ground, or can be manipulated or used in the driver room wired (wireless) remote control. Use, the absolute prohibition does not allow circumstances, and exceeds the rated load and nominal hourly closing times (120 times) use case, should not be overloaded with the following summary hoist load sway control method for reference:
Electric hoist load sway control method:
Load if shaking, shaking the more powerful, the more difficult the operation of the car will be a security risk, in principle, to make the load lateral shake, so the use of electric hoist, please follow the following operations;
a. Do not stayed
b. slowly start to the lateral movement
c. Do not dramatic lifting loads
Starting and stopping the
lever hoist electric chain hoist lateral movement, even if compliance with the above operation, lifting loads but also how much will be shaking.
At this point, if the following operations will be able to reduce the lifting load sway.
1) Press the traverse key "figure a"
2) the car begins to move, the load will be slightly delayed "in graph b"
3) the load before going to swing to a central location, close keypress
4) When the load chain
lift hoist back just below when the switch is pressed again, "drawing c", so that lateral movement in this state.